• Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

What We Offer

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Our monthly magazine offers a wide overview of industry trends, regional spotlights, grand openings, construction updates, box office reports and management changes. Whether you’re looking to get a little more exposure or keeping with top of mind awareness, reserve ad space early for premium ad placement and get the attention you deserve!

VT Pulse Newsletter

Our e-newsletter is a great way to reach our subscribers on a more frequent basis. VT Pulse publishes 39 times a year for an executive audience that needs to keep up with the latest in ticketing, concessions, venue management, booking and promotions.

Resource Guides

We have staff contacting various venues year-round to keep our International Venue Resource Guide and Fairs and Festivals Resource Guide updated annually. These guides are distributed at major conferences, top venues and mailed to top executives. Your advertising efforts will be seen year-round so be a part of it!


Make it part of your marketing campaign to be a part of our re-designed website! We’re equipped to give you greater visibility throughout the site. Our new website has more updates and articles allowing us to increase traffic and increase your online marketing measurements.


Did you hear a fascinating interview from an industry leader on our LiveCast? Show your support and sponsor an episode. Our monthly podcast is another great vehicle to get your message in front of a tech-savvy demographic.

Social Media

Interact with the editorial team and learn about news as it happens. Search Venues Today and become a fan! Send us a message and let us know how we can improve what we do.


Venues Today presents annual awards acknowledging industry leaders and influential individuals in the entertainment industry. Think ahead and nominate your next Box Office Stars, Generation Next, Women of Influence, Stewards of Sustainability, and Hall of Headlines. It is our way of giving back and honoring those who are pioneers that contributed greatly towards the growth of the industry.


Venues Today and the University of South Carolina are in collaboration to present the annual Sport Entertainment & Venues Tomorrow (SEVT) conference. We offer sponsorship opportunities for SEVT, Women of Influence reception at IAVM’s VenueConnect conference and Generation Next reception during the EAMC.